
These days get away from me.
I feel like I'm stuck on a run-away tilt-a-whirl.
Gatsby is coming along beautifully. He randomly started eating grain, which was shocking but also very good. I grew up around "full-figured" quarter horses. Big square shoulders, huge muscled haunches, the pictures of power. With their summertime coats rippling in the hot sun, racing around the zesty green pasture. They have such zeal for this life, it's really something I envy. And now here I have this yearling, who has that same fire if not more, because his fire has never known anything but open range and dry sagebrush. The makings for a wildfire. Gatsby has a beautiful body, built like a sturdy roping horse, but he is underweight. So it was a relief that he has developed a palate for grain.
Gatsby was also exposed to clothing. A few days ago I brought a heavy jacket out to his round pen. I tossed it on his back, he only eyed me with a suspicious expression. I pulled it all over his body and head. I also lead him with it. He never even stalled. I can't stand long whiskers on horses, I'm not sure why. Maybe to many years in the show pen, or maybe it's just ocd. Anyway, I brought my small, noisy, wireless clippers out to Gats to take care of his goat beard. To my surprise he was extremely good, he seemed to even enjoy it.
The next day was very hot. Gatsby  was sweating under his halter, so I took it off of him. His poor body isn't used to this temperamental weather. He let's me catch him and halter him, without a struggle. I dipped cloths in to some water and gave him his first "bath". He also let me pour bottles of water on him.

Happy Fourth of July!
I'll write soon

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