
The morning was cool, the grass seemed almost white with the rain. My foot prints knocked the water droplets off the grass leaving a bright green trail in my wake. I sleepily walked in to the barn, the morning sun was fighting through the clouds and the barn was still dim. I flipped the lights on and listened to the good morning greetings from my loves.
Jb's low rumble was the first, just like it always is.
April's is a nicker, mellow and sweet.
And Cinco's ( my "baby" up until Gatsby) of course was much too loud for this early.
But this morning was different, there was not three good mornings, but four.
As my ears rang from Cinco's bellow, I heard a call, softer than the first barn swallows of spring. It was high pitch, but happy. I looked out to Gatsbys paddock, and there he stood. I swear he got taller overnight. The daily brushing and good feed has already changed his apperance so much. The morning dew stuck to him, making him almost glisten in the weak sunlight. He stood with his neck craned and head high. It brought a smile to my lips. I fed the horses in the barn, then piled my arms high with Gatsby's breakfast. As I walked up to him  the look on his face was sheer delight. Nothing in the world, is better than the look on your horses face when you bring him breakfast. It's like he thought you'd never come, but he is oh so happy you did. I pitched the hay in to the pen for him and leaned on the rail as he munched. His tail swished to and fro, like a dog wagging his.
"Well Gats. I am booked to the gills with Rodeo stuff today. And after how good you did yesterday, I think you need a day off. Yeah?"
Gatsby picked his head up and snuffed at me. He seemed to approve of my idea.

Now avid readers, hear me out.
I would spend every waking moment with Gatsby if I could. I would never ever even consider neglecting him. But he is a BABY. You do not send a child to school seven days a week. So it stands to reason that Gatsby gets a day now and again, to just be a horse without me in there poking and prodding him.

I spent the vast time of my day selling ads and doing other various things. I swung out to the barn around lunch to check on my loves. The big horses were hiding from the rain in their stalls, so I figured Gats was too. I threw everyone the sweet smelling local, and carried a flake out to Gatsby. I'm not sure I even believe what I saw.

Since I have brought Gatsby home, he has acted like a horse. Not super playful or naughty. He has random outbursts but he has been so zoned in on all these new things I'm teaching him, he hasn't had time. Well on Gatsby's day off, he was a baby in every meaning of the word. He was stomping and romping in the mud that the rain had made. He snorted and shook his head, he rolled and wallowed. He was quite the sight. I couldn't help but laugh. The sound of my laugh sent a shock through him, he whipped around and saw me, then the hay. He gave the loud carefree nicker I heard this morning, and trotted to the gate. I laughed at him as I gave him the hay. I looked at the damage as he scarfed the hay down. This boy had mud EVERYWHERE! Even behind his ears, which I'm still not sure how he managed that. It was too cute. I left him to his wallowing.

I went out to feed dinner when I got back from Flag practice. Gatsby was just happy and bouncey as ever. I'm not sure what got into him today, but seeing him that way, I 100% stand behind giving him a day to himself.

I'm falling in love with the Great Gatsby.
Also, because I am hoping there is someone reading this, I am posing a question.
Should I get the book, "The Great Gatsby" and read it out loud to him?
Email me, Facebook me, or post a comment below.

I'll write again soon,

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