
The air was dry, the driest it's been all year. I'm so acclimated to the wet, cool Washington air, that this went down my throat with an unpleasant scratchiness. The kind were you just keep swallowing, but all that does is give you cotton mouth. There was no dew on the grass, it felt brittle and fried under my feet as I walked to the barn. I closed my eyes and smiled as I listened to the morning revelry of neighs. I quickly tossed hay to all the sleepy eyed, eager nosed horses. I packed Gatsby's breakfast and thought about the day I had yesterday. I can only explain it as something out of a teenage angst type movie. So I was a little crabby this morning. :)

I went back to bed and slept off my funk, took a shower and put on a dress. For those of you who don't know me well, that's kind of like out running a shooting star, it just doesn't happen. So I put on this dress, it's long and purple. Nice and flowy, I love it because it's like being back in Hawaii. After I got dressed I raked my fingers through my wet hair and went out to the barn to clean stalls. I picked the stalls and sang to my self.
"I was dreaming you were my Johnny Cash
Never one, we got the other, we made a pact
Sometimes when I miss you, I put those records on, whoa"
When I stepped on my dress and tripped.
I growled in frustration and wiped at the dirty boot mark on my dress. When a whinny made me turn my head. Gatsby stood at the fence facing me, he flipped his head and nickered loudly. I felt as if he was laughing at me. "Oh yeah, you think that's funny do you?"
Another whinny.
"Okay, I'll show you funny punk!"
I stomped in to the main hall of the barn and grabbed the bail knife. I snagged a stray piece of bailing twine and used it to tie up my dress, cutting off the slack of the twine.
I flipped my self into the round pen with him, groom kit in hand. I worked him all over with a rubber curry, and he started to fall asleep. I grabbed his halter to put it on him, as I approached he got this naughty little look on his face and pranced away.
"OH no you don't!"
We played cat and mouse for quite a while till he gave in and let me catch him. I continued to groom him. He only had a problem with the fly spray, mostly because I laughed at him when he sneezed after sniffing it.

This evening I went out to feed, I suppose I snuck up on him, because when I dumped his hay over the top rail he bolted out of his lean-to in to the round pen. He put his head down and bucked, crow hopped all over the place. I couldn't stop laughing at him. I dumped his grain in to his tub. He stopped bucking like someone hit the pause button. He whipped his head over in my direction. He pinned his ears and glared as if to say. "Oh for Pete sake, it was you the whole time!"
With as much dignity as he could manage, he marched over and munched his hay.

I'll write soon

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