
The last post was one that was written but failed to post. This is today's events.

Dust raked it's way down my throat, I blinked sporadically trying to clear it from my eyes. The rope came to it's end with a great jerk, wrenching me forward. I cursed under my breath trying to stand my ground. It was the third time today Gatsby had tried this little stunt. The first one, caught me off guard, the second one surprised me, but this time I was ready. I watched his long athletic legs gather up under him, I leaned back against the rope waiting for the snap. The force still sent a shock through me that rocked me. Gatsby was at the end of the rope, but it might as well of been a rocket. He flew circles around me, launching him self into orbit. I pulled on the end of his nylon lead, which was acting as gravity pulling him in to me. Then, as if someone flipped a switch, he stopped. He stood with his head hung low, eyes half hooded and licking his chops.
"Gatsby, what was that?!" I stared incredulously at him.
A small morning colored bird flitted to him, Gatsby stuck his nose down into the grass by it. The little bird showed no fear, as it hopped closer looking for bugs to eat. Gatsby sniffed at it. "Gatsby" I warned "You be nice to the pretty birdy"
Quick as a wink, Gatsby nudged the bird with his muzzle. The bird took to the air in a single motion. The sudden movement sent Gatsby in to another fit of bucking. Annoyed I took him back to his round pen. I braided his mane and tail, wrapping it in pink vet wrap to keep it from being pulled out. He seemed annoyed with the club I attached to his tail. More than once I watched him wallop himself with it.

Changing it up with a Hemingway Quote :)
"Man cannot be defeated. He may be destroyed, but he will never be defeated." The Old Man and the Sea

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